Monday, June 30, 2008

17 weeks

Time to post another picture of Carol's ever expanding belly. Nothing else to exciting going on. Carol went to Pella today for her step dad Don's retirement party at Pella Corp. He was there for 41 years, now thats impressive.

With the baby coming and our current digital camera getting out of date we decided to upgrade to a new camera. I thought I would play around with it a little tonight and took these pictures. I was able to park this big guy on the sidewalk in front of our house.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Another Good Appointment

Well I was able to go to Carol's OB appointment today and hear our babies heart beat. The doctor said everything looks great and they were able to pick up the heart beat pretty quickly. We also have scheduled the next ultra sound on July 14 and should be able to determine the sex then. I have a video of being able to hear the heart beat below if interested.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

New Niece!

Carol and I are excited to welcome our new niece Claire Marie, born Wednesday morning. When you combine a Groenenboom and a Bruxvoort you get one cute looking baby. Carol and I were able to go see her yesterday and everyone is doing well. Doug and Angie are a little sleep deprived but I don't know why, Claire slept great when we were there. I guess we need to go around 4:00 am to see her awake.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Belly Watch June 8th

Well Here is an updated picture of Carol. There isn't much difference yet but things are progressing. It seems like the baby is starting to move up. She is coming up on 14 weeks.

June 8

May 18

It keeps on raining

Well this has been one of the more eventfull weeks with weather than I can remember for a while. Thunder storm after thunder storm seemed to hit us through the week and even a few Tornado warnings. I went and bought a weather radio on Thursday and was broke in pretty fast. We had a tornado warning go off right when we went to bed that night and spent a half an hour in the basement. It didn't seem to bad out side but the path was projected right over our house. We woke up this morning to more storms and another 2 inches of rain. I'll have to say that my lawn hasn't looked better but the water was flowing behind our house.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

It's starting to feel like summer

Well things are progressing well in the Bruxvoort household. nothing to exciting but Carol was able to hear the baby's heart beat on her OB appointment on Friday. We had the intention of recording it with the digital camera but due to "technical difficulties" she was not able to get it. Oh well, its just nice to be reassured everything is progressing. After going five weeks without hearing or seeing anything you start to worry. Carol is now almost 13 weeks along and feeling pretty well. She has her moments but for the most part it isn't to bad. She has developed an aversion to good steak so that has put a damper on the grilling season, more for me I guess. I'll post more pictures of her belly progression soon but it hasn't changed a whole lot. Apparently the baby is progressing up out of the pelvis so she will start to show more later.

It was sad to see two moving company semi's parked on our street this past week as the Godseys and the Rossies were both leaving. One nice thing is that we now have a good excuse to go to Monterrey California, but we should go in the Winter. Apparently its average high is in the 60's during the summer, but an average high in the 60's during the Winter, How boring.

Well its hard to believe but it was 3 years ago that we got married. I was a young 25 year old and Carol was an elderly 26. Well I did turn 26 a week after but that's beside the point.

what a good looking groupIt's definitely starting to feel like summer. We have in the past years had a family of finches live under our deck but they did not return this year. Instead we now have a family of robins living around our house. I usually like robins but do you know how much of a mess this little guy makes! Between the rabbits and the birds who needs pets.