Sunday, May 11, 2008

Well another Sunday is here with a new anxious week coming up. I am starting at Agricredit tomorrow which I am excited about but some what anxious, as with anything new. Working at the Bank was great but new challenges bring new opportunities. The new job will also save me about 60 miles a day of commuting, keeping me closer to home. This will be a necessity once this little person comes around December 10.

Praise the Lord, Carol and I are expecting a baby in early December. This ultrasound was taken about 2 1/2 weeks ago. We had a little scare when she was about 7 weeks along but everything checked out fine and we were able to see the heart beat. Isn't technology awesome. So Carol is about 10 weeks along right now and besides being nauseous during meals is doing well. We pray that the pregnancy continues to go well and a healthy baby arives early December.

In other news Dad continues to get the crops in between rains and was able to get all the corn in before it rained again on Saturday. He is now busy getting the planter switched over to beans and hopefully will be able to plant them soon. This is the first year with this planter and has been going well. There has been a learning curve but is definately a step up from our old planter. We will be able to plant on 15 inch rows for beans but will take longer as it folds to the equivilant of a 7 row when we do so.


Mark S said...

Cool! With so many exciting things going on with you both right now a blog is a great way to share the news. Maybe someday you can teach me how to make one. Keep the info and pics coming.


Lothlorien said...

I love the blog! Ours is if you ever want to check it out. Yeah, I haven't really updated it for a few months . . . been meaning to get to that. :)

Anyway, we want to hear how the new job went today. Let us know!


Risen Son is-- said...

Hi guys! Great looking stuff, thanks for mentioning the ladies at Tulip Time. We're looking forward to staying in touch with you this way. Not sure when we'll have something similar set us, it's a project of mine I'd like to see done before the summer is over. Might have to do old fashioned email until then!
Love, the Godseys