Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Man Room

With the realization that in less than five months I will be outnumbered 2 to 1 along with my tractor room being taken away to become the new guest bed room (The old one will be the nursery), I thought its time to be proactive. So off to Home Depot to get supplies to claim the last remaining part of the house that hasn't been taken over, the unfinished part of the basement.

With a little lumber to make some shelves this is one area that will not be invaded so easily. Plus it will be a nice retreat when you just need a little quiet time. Power tools are a different kind of quiet. :)


Kurtis & Lisa said...

Anyone with a projection tv in the basement along with surrond sound should not complain about being shoved to the basement.

Risen Son is-- said...

Looks great, guys! By that I mean the baby girl, Carol, and the Man Room. Laura and I praise the Lord for your healthy baby and pregnancy. Laura thought it would be a boy, I say girls are too awesome to keep all to myself.

Love you guys! Hey, do you think that we might jump on a video chat one of the next small groups you have, to say hi to the crowd? We would really appreciate it, and the girls would love it. Let us know.

