Thursday, May 7, 2009

Annie Surgery Update

Annie had her surgery on Tuesday morning we arrived at the hospital around 6:30 am and the brought her in for surgery around 8. From start to finish the process took a little over 4 hours. They were able to accomplish what they wanted with no suprises. They reattached her two ureters to the bladder to fix the uriniary reflux, plus they attached her 3rd ureter to the bladder.

Annie continues to recover and seems to be doing well. She ran a low grade temp yesterday evening and was decided to keep her for the night. Her fever appears to have broke but she has been easily agitated. They gave her a dose of morphine to help her relax. Her incision looks good and her urine culter from last night does not show any growth.

Hopefully we may be able to head home this afternoon, but we will see.



Kurtis & Lisa said...

It's great that we have such a wonderful Physician to help heal our bodies, especially little ones like Annie's. We'll be praying for her to heal fully. As for the aggitation goes, remember she is a girl. :)

Leah said...

We're so glad she's doing well! I'm sure you are so glad the surgery if over! Praying Annie recovers well.

Rob, Leah, Sydney