Sunday, December 28, 2008

Annie's 1st Christmas

Annie will be three weeks old tomorrow and just celebrated her 1st Christmas. We packed things up and headed to my parents for the weekend. We had a good time hanging out with our family and getting a break thanks to everyone. The weather was definately different, from snow to 55 degrees, to ice. I believe that my niece and nephew Lillian and James are the 1st to be able to sled down the driveway, due to the ice.

For the most part Annie did pretty well, Wednesday night was a little rough but Thursday and Friday went well.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Almost 2 weeks down

Well tomorrow will mark two weeks sense Annie was born. It has been the most interesting and hardest two weeks of our lives. Nothing we have ever done has required our attention all day, every day. Still we wouldn't trade this time for anything else, except maybe a full nights sleep. Annie continues to do well and is sleeping and eating better. We are all still figuring each other out with what works and doesn't, so we continue to learn. We did venture out as a family on Friday to our neighborhood small group. It was nice to be able to get out together and talk to our friends about our experiences and receive encouragement.

Hanging with Annie

Taking a snooze
Annie with Grandma Derringer

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Hanging with my ladies

Well it is Day 4 of being home and I am discovering how much sleep is actually required to function. Apperently aroud 4 a night. Annie started out pretty fussey but seems to be improving every day. Nursing is going well and Annie just started to be able to sleep without someone holding her. We have been so greatful for friends and family for providing food and helping out. Thank you Mom for helping today, that was great. Below are a few more pics from the past few days.
Galadriel holding Annie ( in the background you can see their daughter, who just turned 1. It's interesting to see what Annie will be like in a year,)

Getting ready to go home
Well we got her home, Now what?

Annie with her Grandpa Stursma

Annie with her Great Grandpa and Grandma Stursma. (To Grandma's defense, Annie was getting hungry.)

Finally sleeping on her own

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

We're Home

Just thought I would quick post that Carol, Annie, and I got home this afternoon around 4:30. All three of us are trying to take it easy by hanging out in the living room. A little supper for Carol and I and a feeding for Annie. Carol is napping on the couch and Annie is asleep on the floor. It's nice to be home but a little scary, no nurses to help tonight.

Annie went through some tests today for her kidney and is showing some reflux. She will be on a small dose of antibiotics to keep her urine clean, this is to keep infections away from her kidney. We will have a follow in 2 weeks and see if anything has changed by then.

More new pics

Well it's Wednesday morning and Carol is busy feeding Annie. We are waiting to have one more test done to look at her kidney, and then so far the plan is to some time in the afternoon we will head home. We pray that the tests come back alright and things continue to go well.
Foot Prints
1st bath, as you can see, she loved it.
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The Family

Annie with her Grandma

Annie with Aunt Angie

Monday, December 8, 2008

Baby Pics

She's here!!

Adrianna Danielle (Annie), Is here!! Annie was born at 8:02 pm, and weighed 8lbs 11 ounces. She is 20.5 inches long and doing well. Carol go roughed up by the delivery some, but is resting well. She pushed for about 3 hours and needed some help by the vac to get Annie out. Her head was a little tilted which made it difficult. I will try to get some pictures posted soon.

Dan & Carol

Labor Progress

Well we got to the hospital around 7:30 this morning. After getting settled in they started the induction around 10. Carol was already dialated enough that they decided to go ahead and break her water. She continues to have some strong, very regular contractions and hopefully will be able start pushing some time soon.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Last Pregnancy Picture

Well time is almost here. We will be going in tomorrow at 7:30 to start the induction. We pray that the delivery goes smoothly and quickly. With the pending delivery of our daughter we thought we better post one last picture of Carol pregnant. I can't believe it has been 8 months from when we found out Carol was pregnant to the evening before Carol goes into labor.
We appreciate all the support from all our family and friends up to this point and will definately appreciate any help after she is born.
I will try to post some updates through the day and post some pictures once she is born.