Wednesday, December 10, 2008

We're Home

Just thought I would quick post that Carol, Annie, and I got home this afternoon around 4:30. All three of us are trying to take it easy by hanging out in the living room. A little supper for Carol and I and a feeding for Annie. Carol is napping on the couch and Annie is asleep on the floor. It's nice to be home but a little scary, no nurses to help tonight.

Annie went through some tests today for her kidney and is showing some reflux. She will be on a small dose of antibiotics to keep her urine clean, this is to keep infections away from her kidney. We will have a follow in 2 weeks and see if anything has changed by then.


Unknown said...

Congratulations! I hope the adjustment goes well for all three of you.

See you in a couple of weeks!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! She looks awesome. Hope to see you all soon.
Paul & Pam