Sunday, December 21, 2008

Almost 2 weeks down

Well tomorrow will mark two weeks sense Annie was born. It has been the most interesting and hardest two weeks of our lives. Nothing we have ever done has required our attention all day, every day. Still we wouldn't trade this time for anything else, except maybe a full nights sleep. Annie continues to do well and is sleeping and eating better. We are all still figuring each other out with what works and doesn't, so we continue to learn. We did venture out as a family on Friday to our neighborhood small group. It was nice to be able to get out together and talk to our friends about our experiences and receive encouragement.

Hanging with Annie

Taking a snooze
Annie with Grandma Derringer


Mark S said...

Part of what makes being a parent so rewarding is the fact that it's very challenging. If it makes you feel better, it does get easier. Well, sort of. Maybe I should just say it does get...different.

I'm really looking forward to Tuesday! Oh, and great pictures.

Kurtis & Lisa said...

Hang in there you guys. I found it took a few months to get things down to a system and then it was for the most part smooth sailing. Right now I have 3 kids chasing and tackeling each other and am waiting for a broken bone or stiches. :)